Glenn Munt is an accredited Mental Health Social Worker and Family Therapist and graduated from University of Queensland in 1982. In the past 30 years he has gained extensive experience in Adult, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and child protection as a family and individual therapist. Glenn managed the family therapy unit at Lifeline, Brisbane, was Senior Social Worker and Family Therapist, Child and Family Therapy Unit, Royal Children’s Hospital, Consultant Counsellor at Qld Teachers Stress Management Centre, Child and Family Therapist, Abused Child Trust, Clinical Supervisor, Kids Help Line/Parentline and Senior Social Worker Child and Youth Mental Health Service, Royal Children’s Hospital district. He has had a private practice since 1988.
Glenn was President of the Qld Association of Family Therapy, 1995 -1998, has published in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, was a member of the Board of the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy from 1996 – 2000. He was also a member of the Qld Children’s Commission Appeals Tribunal from 1997 – 2000.
